Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Challenges And Possible Solutions Of Educating...

Identify a Topic in Your Specialization Blanco says, â€Å"Poverty is everyone’s problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are all touched by poverty.† The purpose of this assignment is to explain why I want to research the challenges and possible solutions of educating children that are living in poverty, what I know about my topic, the obstacles or biases I may have based on past experiences, as well as the reason that my topic will keep my interest during the Capstone Project. Why I Want to Study This Topic Recently, I attended a workshop called â€Å"Spreading Humor Through the World of Education† in Lexington, SC. The featured speaker was Gerry Brooks. He was speaking on the topic of positive school climate and culture. He said in so many words, â€Å"If there is one thing we should take from the workshop, it is â€Å"to get to know your students†. I connected with this message immediately. As, a professional educator, I know that before I can teach my students or work with any adult I must know my audience well enough to know that they are ready to learn. The reason I want to study this topic is because I work at a Title 1 school where we have a high poverty rate. I want to research current solutions regarding the challenges of educating children of poverty and to provide an optimal learning experience. What I Already Know or Presume about This Topic Many children thatShow MoreRelated Special ed is not a Scandal Essay730 Words   |  3 Pages94-142. It is because of this laws effect on the school system and the impact that it left in the history of special education that I chose to write about it. Implemented in the 1970’s PL 94-142 is responsible for a change in which all handicapped children are entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), a change that gave the disabled a fighting chance towards education in a world that was very discriminating. This law was amended in 1983, 1986 and reauthorized in 1990 ensuring that everyRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1537 Words   |  7 Pageshas been going on for generations, it’s not a new topic. That doesn’t mean times haven’t changed. New technology has made it possible for people to bully one another without even having to be near them. This is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying† . Teens are turning electronic devices into â€Å"weapons† by using social networking websites, chat rooms, text messaging, and even more ways possible. Through this they call each other names, demean each other, and even threaten each other. 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The Salinas Valley, also known as the â€Å"Salad Bowl† of the United States, generates more than $8.1 billion annually to the local economy, and it employs overRead MoreReflection on My Ability as a Teacher of Special Needs Children1038 Words   |  5 Pageshas developed over time is personally satisfying. Educating children especially children with special needs is a challenge within its self. As a teacher it is important that this writer makes a positive influence with students. There are going to be certain ideas that one tries to uphold and other discriminations that one will not allow. Everyone has their own beliefs teachers should do what is necessary not to infring e on others, but show children different way to think so that they have all theRead MoreInnovation And Management Of Technological Development Essay1543 Words   |  7 Pagesdescribed in disaster framing terms, for example; global warming, water pollution, climate change, consumerism and over-consumption and food shortages, they are none the less topics waiting for solutions and offer opportunities for developing the innovation capability in our students. Innovation for global solutions. Innovation, as Buckler (1997) defines it, is holistic in nature: it is an environment, a culture – almost a spiritual force – that exists and drives value creation. He suggests there areRead MoreChallenges Throughout Their Transition Of Being Expected1535 Words   |  7 PagesTransgenders face several challenges throughout their transition of being expected. 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One of the goals that should be considered by Jim determined to connect the groups to provide them with the quality of care that needed to provide top quality health care.Read MoreThe Organ Of Organ Transplantation1426 Words   |  6 Pageschoices i.e. obesity and smoking, as well as improved medical science resulting in an aging population. Additionally, there are also a number of contributing factors that have caused the quantity of organs donated to remain relatively consistent. One possible explanation pertains to the increasing effectiveness of seat belt campaigns and other lifesaving technologies, which has led to a relative decrease in the number of car crash fatalities (Thomson, 2001). This is significant as over recent years, a

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