Sunday, May 17, 2020

Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte - 947 Words

Violence Written in 1847 by Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights follows the life of Heathcliff, the family that raised him and those who impacted his life. It is a novel that goes from present day to past events to explain why Heathcliff is the way he is and how the story has formed throughout his life and the lives of those around him. Emily Bronte used imagery and diction to create the physical, verbal, and animalistic violence that was displayed in Wuthering Heights. The most common form of violence that is displayed in Wuthering Heights is physical violence. Many of the characters are violent towards one another. One of the most violent characters would be Catherine Linton, who was very fond of physically harming others, â€Å"wicked aunt Cathy,’ which drew her fury on to his unlucky head: she seized his shoulders, and shook him till the poor child was waxed livid†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Catherine Linton would physically harm others if she did not get what she desired. Bronte’s imagery of Cathy shaking young Hareton is very powerful, it makes it clear to the reader how far Cathy will go. Cathy is not bother by hurting a child and can be very intense. By using words such as wicked and fury Bronte creates a violent diction in her novel further proving that Wuthering Heights is a novel of violence. An essay written by Judith E. Pike describes the some of the physical violence that occurs and the novel. Pike describes the physical violence the Isabella Linton experienced at the hands of Heathcliff,Show MoreRelatedWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1555 Words   |  7 Pages2015 Wuthering Heights (1847) by Emily Brontà « Introduction The novel Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 by Emily Brontà «. The plot unravels with Lockwood visiting his landlord at Wuthering Heights; as Lockwood stays the night, he starts to discover items within the home and later a fatal vision appears, which causes him great curiosity. Lockwood returns back to his residence at Thrushcross Granges and listens to the history of his landlord, Heathcliff; told by an old servant at Wuthering HeightsRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1521 Words   |  7 Pages  Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontà « s only novel. Written between October 1845 and June 1846, Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell; Brontà « died the following year, aged 30. Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontà « s Agnes Grey were accepted by publisher Thomas Newby before the success of their sister Charlotte s novel, Jane Eyre. After Emily s death, Charlotte edited the manuscript of Wuthering Heights, and arranged for the edited version to be published as a posthumousRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte1290 Words   |  5 Pagesusually by retaliating in kind or degree† (â€Å"revenge†) however to Heathcliff it meant more than just to avenge himself he wanted to have everything he felt he rightfully deserved and more. Social class and revenge, are primary themes in the novel Wuthering Heights. Social class plays a considerable part in the lives and loves of the charters in the novel. Revenge is key element in the book, this twisted theme creates the whole plot line. â€Å"Children develop a strong interest in the world around them by theRead MoreWuthering Heights, by Emily Brontà «1865 Words   |  8 Pagesdevilish, preternatural passion that tamer beings can scarcely recognize as love.† (Duclaux) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà « is considered a masterpiece today, however when it was first published, it received negative criticism for its passionate nature. Critics have studied the novel from every analytical angle, yet it remains one of the most haunting love stories of all time. â€Å"Wuthering Heights is not a comfortable book; it invites admiration rather than love,† (Stoneman 1). The novel containsRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1936 Words   |  8 PagesWuthering Heights, a novel by Emily Bronte is one of the most admired and favorable written works in English literature. When the novel was published in the year 1847, it sold very poorly and only received a minimum amount of reviews. Although the novel does not contain any sexual relations or bloodshed, it is considered to be inappropriate due to its portrayal of an unconstrained love and cruelty. Wuthering Heights is formed on the Gothic tradition in the late 18th century, which consists of supern aturalRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte553 Words   |  2 PagesWuthering Heights: Good vs. Evil Emily Bronte’s classical literary masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, can more or less be viewed as a struggle between conventional, civilized human behavior, as well as the wild, anarchistic side that each of us humans possess, although subtly. Bronte’s piece can be summed up by the â€Å"good vs. evil† elements that include Wuthering Heights as opposed to Thrushcross Grange, Heathcliff vs. Edgar, and much more. These elemental set points lead to the conclusion that WutheringRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte885 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"Wuthering Heights† Emily Bronte vividly present the main character, Heathcliff, as misanthropist after he suffers abuse, degradation, and loses his beloved Catherine. Heathcliff, a black, orphan gipsy child, is brought to live in upper-class society by Mr. Earnshaw’s generosity. Heathcliff is an outcast in his new society. Thus, Heathcliff’s temperament is depicted in â€Å"Wuthering Heightsâ⠂¬  as cruel, abusive, and vindictive against those who humiliated and not accepted him in society. HeathcliffRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1149 Words   |  5 PagesDuring it release in 1842, ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte was considered to be a novel of obscenity and monstrosity. The novel has the ability to adapt to a range of themes and transcend the forms of content and cultural context within the ideas of love, oppression, power and harmony. Critical readings of the text have challenged and enriched readers in a diverse array of interpretations of language and structure; forming personal meanings that have developed throughout history. England, inRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1208 Words   |  5 Pagesrepair, and spark one of the most largest human motivations: vengeance. If left unnoticed, the feeling will grow inside us and consume our every thought and ruin our lives. Therefore, leaving no remorse or peace for ourselves and others. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights is a book about love that turns into vengeance and hatred that goes for generations. This story revolves around Heathcliff, an unmerciful vengeful man. His desire to pay back those who have done him wrong is so extreme that he finds himselfRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte877 Words   |  4 PagesThe novel, Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Brà ¶nte, follows the stories of Catherine and Heathcliff Earnshaw. Both lived in Wuthering Heights, until Catherine went away to Thrushcross Grange and came back a changed person. The settings of Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, throughout the novel help to display the emo tions of the story, and shape the image of the people who live within them. The setting helps to describe aspects of the novel in greater depth. One of the first scenes of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Challenges And Possible Solutions Of Educating...

Identify a Topic in Your Specialization Blanco says, â€Å"Poverty is everyone’s problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are all touched by poverty.† The purpose of this assignment is to explain why I want to research the challenges and possible solutions of educating children that are living in poverty, what I know about my topic, the obstacles or biases I may have based on past experiences, as well as the reason that my topic will keep my interest during the Capstone Project. Why I Want to Study This Topic Recently, I attended a workshop called â€Å"Spreading Humor Through the World of Education† in Lexington, SC. The featured speaker was Gerry Brooks. He was speaking on the topic of positive school climate and culture. He said in so many words, â€Å"If there is one thing we should take from the workshop, it is â€Å"to get to know your students†. I connected with this message immediately. As, a professional educator, I know that before I can teach my students or work with any adult I must know my audience well enough to know that they are ready to learn. The reason I want to study this topic is because I work at a Title 1 school where we have a high poverty rate. I want to research current solutions regarding the challenges of educating children of poverty and to provide an optimal learning experience. What I Already Know or Presume about This Topic Many children thatShow MoreRelated Special ed is not a Scandal Essay730 Words   |  3 Pages94-142. It is because of this laws effect on the school system and the impact that it left in the history of special education that I chose to write about it. 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The Self-Made Man of the Great Gatsby free essay sample

The ideal of a self-made man is quite American. It is the idea that someone from a humble background can become someone of great importance and wealth through sheer willpower and hard work. The self-made man’s success is not based off his background or the help of others but his own intrinsic values and qualities. It is this idea that allows James Gatz to become Jay Gatsby, and it is this idea that also ironically becomes his downfall. Gatsby is a self-made man, the embodiment of the American dream, and undergoes a reinvention of himself in order to achieve his goals. In chapter six of The Great Gatsby, Scott Fitzgerald figuratively expresses Jay Gatsby’s transformation, ambition and ascension in social class. Gatsby is self-made in more than one sense. He represents the American ideal of a self-made man, but he also discards his old identity of James Gatz and remakes himself into Jay Gatsby. This reinvented self â€Å"sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God † (92). The phrase â€Å"platonic conception† indicates that Gatsby’s identity was the product of only himself and his imagination and involved no other person. This idea of being conceived from only one person parallels with the comparison of Gatsby to the â€Å"son of God,† who was also conceived from only one person. By posing Gatsby as a Jesus figure, Fitzgerald reveals Gatsby as a paragon with noble characteristics. This comparison emphasizes the transformation of Gatsby or in a sense, his resurrection. James Gatz’s life was leading nowhere except his unhappy death. However, Jay Gatsby has the opportunity to succeed and live happily if not for unfortunate circumstances. As a part of his transformation under Dan Cody’s guidance, â€Å"he was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man† (93). Gatsby never quite finished a formal education, so working with Dan Cody gave him the â€Å"singularly appropriate education† to succeed. Part of the American Dream is to receive a quality education, and most self-made men achieve success through formal education or self-education. However, just like his new self-invented identity, Gatsby’s education from Dan Cody is at best questionable and at worst shallow and intangible. From the conception of Jay Gatsby to this moment, Jay Gatsby’s existence had only been â€Å"vague† and ethereal, without any real substance or plausibility to it. Perhaps that is because in the beginning even James Gatz doubted the existence of Gatsby. After this fully completed transformation, Gatsby is a â€Å"man† with real â€Å"substantiality,† dreams and thoughts. The education he received allowed him to believe in the plausibility of Gatsby and that the identity of Gatsby could find his fortune somewhere in America. Gatsby’s intense ambition for success characterizes him as the archetypal self-made man. Because of his desire for success, â€Å"the most grotesque and fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night. A universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out in his brain † (92). Gatsby was sure he was bound for a successful future, so sure that â€Å"conceits† pervaded his dreams at night. The word â€Å"conceits† connotes hubris and arrogance, flaws that many self-made men perhaps are guilty of having but never showing. Additionally, â€Å"grotesque† and â€Å"haunted† have negative connotations of fear or unattractiveness, which signifies that perhaps Gatsby is overly ambitious to the point where it exposes his negative traits. The â€Å"gaudiness† of his dreams and thoughts reflect in the lifestyle that he ambitiously works towards and achieves, indicated by the extravagant parties and luxuries later in his life. Ambition generally benefited Gatsby, dissuading him from enduring â€Å"janitor’s work† (92) throughout his brief college experience. If he was unambitiously satisfied with â€Å"janitor’s work† and completed college, he would’ve never been bestowed the opportunity of meeting Dan Cody or his business connections. Gatsby embodies the traditional rising in social class from â€Å"rags to riches† archetype among stories of self-made men. Coming from humble beginnings, â€Å"his parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people† (91). Whereas they were â€Å"shiftless† and lacked ambition, Gatsby did not, so he wished to stray as far from their path as possible. He wanted to be anything but a part of the â€Å"unsuccessful farm people,† who are representative of lower class laborers. His background accounted largely for his failure in securing Daisy. For a year after the war, Gatsby was stuck with the situation the world provided him and had to work â€Å"as a clam digger and a salmon fisher or in any other capacity that brought him food and bed† (92). â€Å"Clam digger† and â€Å"salmon fisher† are presumably low-paying jobs, as he only took the jobs out of necessity to provide himself â€Å"food and bed. † As a result of meeting Dan Cody, Gatsby was able to apply his ambition rather than squander it on menial jobs. Although he received no large sum of money in the end of his tutelage, Gatsby was armed with knowledge that would provide him his fortune. Gatsby is in many ways the archetypal self-made man, and he works his way up society through hard work and an education. However, like the American Dream and society in the 1920s, the ideal of the self-made man is corrupted in Gatsby. His education was from a debauchee and gave him the means to a fortune through crime rather than honest ingenuity. His ambition provided him success but also developed inside him a hubris and arrogance that is generally not associated with self-made men. However, due to his incorruptible and noble goal of Daisy’s love, perhaps Gatsby turned out alright in the end.